Sunday, 28 February 2016

Watch The New World Being Shaped By Digital Maps & Radio Frequency Planning

Ever since the world came into the existence with life, efforts were always made to make the world as a much better place to live in. Slowly and steadily we have started creating our civilized towns and cities. But earlier when we were used to engineer these cities, we lacked many things that were not visible on an ordinary map. So unknowingly, we made many mistakes. And due to that many cities that were the old models never worked out properly for ordinary people to establish settlements in those cities peacefully. These cities failed eventually in establishing proper settlements. So with the advancement and technology and science, time was completely ripe for the new technology to show up eventually. Hence the new age engineers were equipped with tools and devices like digital map

So now we are present in a world that can be also called as an interconnected wireless world that has led to packed and tightly stuffed airwaves, making radio frequency planning a hot subject. For engineers, who are efficiently supervising and controlling the RF spectrum is really very vital to ensure effective communications and field intelligence gathering for mapping the entire city covering every nook and corner. 

So the advanced radio frequency map seeks to provide some real time responsiveness & awareness of radio spectrum that is used against frequency, geography and time. The main motive and objective is to provide a map that gives a precise picture of spectrum use in multifaceted & complicated environments. With this precise and vital information, spectrum managers and automatic spectrum allotment systems can operate much more efficiently, plummeting & decreasing the problems caused by the spectrum jamming and congestion and enabling better mitigation of intervention problems. An RF map plans to provide this information in order to use radios that are employed or deployed for mapping the cities, landscapes and skyscrapers as well some other purposes like data and voice communication systems. 

Sunday, 7 February 2016

Dedicated Radio Frequency Planning playing Pivotal role in Urbanization

It is already the second decade of 21st century and the planning of the urban cities have gone under a drastic change. It is a brazen truth because the way the world population is growing and increasing, it is totally and completely important to take the help of radio frequency planning to design a perfect model of a brand new city that has the capability to accommodate a huge population with a lesser number of loopholes that has the potential to disrupt the whole planning and designing that has to be implemented afterwards. So it is better to have a brief study about all the features that are involved in the planning of planning of a city.

RF or Radio Frequency planning is the original and basic formula for assigning or sharing out frequencies, transmitter locations and parameters of wireless contact system that provides ample coverage and power for the services required or wanted. The radio frequency strategy of cellular communication has two main goals that are popularly known as Coverage and Capacity.

1)      Coverage:  It is linked to the physical track within the structure that has maximum radio frequency signal strength to provide for call and data session. This type of radio frequency has a huge coverage area especially when it is being used to map the entire city for further planning for development.

2)      Capacity: It is connected to the capability of the system to maintain the provided number of survivors. While planning a city, radio frequency net always shows its capacity in covering the entire city with length and breadth.

Now the digital map we are talking about are very different from the old and the previous ones. They just had a bit of information just like the pubs and phone boxes. But for an unusual data set such as for a particular land use, catchment areas of a school are really critical for particular set of people. And when the need arises to sketch a plan for the whole city, same rules are implemented for the digital mapping.

And in the latter stages of development 3d digital model was invented that was much better than the previous versions of the map.

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